Real Estate Development and Management Programs

Valuing Property

Vayati Systems offers highly-acclaimed property valuation courses in India. Property Valuation is an important aspect of a surveyor’s professional life. A final decision of what to build depends on core questions being answered equally effectively when, where, and how much. The program Valuing Property takes you closer to this understanding in very lucid and easy steps. It offers International standards training alongwith IBBI compliant syllabus to train aspiring and practising valuers to improve their skills.

  • Program Mode: Online / Contact
  • Duration: 18 Hours (Online: 6 days, 3 hrs each; Contact: 3 days, 6hrs each)
  • Cost: Online INR 5,999 + GST ; Contact INR 6,999 + GST
  • Key Features: Valuation of property, the economic and demographic study of neighbourhoods, the highest and best use aspects, Economic, technical and financial aspects, International Valuation Guidelines like IVSC, RICS, IBBI. Types of valuation: Valuation as per property type. Techniques of valuation: Sales comparison, Market Capitalization, Rental Method.
  • Benefits: Professional growth and international certifications and contemporary recognition.
  • Who should take this program: Surveyors, Architects, Engineers, Urban Planners (Individual Training).
  • Certified by: Vayati Systems and Research Inc. and/or Partner organization
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Real Estate Deals and Negotiation

Real estate is a long drawn -out process that requires thorough techno-commercial understanding on
the part of those involved in the sale. The complexity of the product (the property) and that of the client
renders real estate vulnerable to gross selling mismatches, difficult to undo in the future. This real
estate sales training equips the sales force to understand and apply scientific processes to the real
estate marketing strategy in India.

  • Program Mode: Online / Contact
  • Duration: 16 Hours (Online: 4 days, 4hrs each; Contact: 4 days, 4hrs each
  • Cost: Online INR 3999 + GST ; Contact INR 5999 + GST
  • Key Features: Fundamentals of selling real estate, Types of property and selling styles, understanding psychographics and demographics in the selling process, negotiating for closures.
  • Benefits: Professional growth and an increase in sales revenue.
  • Who should take this program: Sales Executives, Architects, Engineers, Urban Planners (Individual Training).
  • Certified by: Vayati Systems and Research Inc. and/or Partner organization
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Contracts Administration and Management Program

Effective managing of contracts is the game changer in any project, big or small. Imagine what inefficiencies in this sphere of project management can do to an organisation’s fortunes especially in the large and complex projects carried out by governments, contractors and developers. In the changing global scenario, India’s project and contract management canvas is also changing. Courts no longer remain the only resort with other ways of resolving disputes evolve such as Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation and advancements therein. For project companies to survive and grow, contracts administration and management is a prerequisite. This program offers pivotal training ideal for all human resources directly or indirectly related to the projects. The program covers practice- based aspects, situational analysis, and expert advice in navigating contractual obligations.

  • Program Mode: Online / Contact
  • Duration: 24 Hours (Online: 6 days, 4hrs each; Contact: 6 days, 4hrs each)
  • Cost: Online INR 9,999 /- ; Contact INR 12,999 /-
  • Key Features: Types of Model Contracts National and International Claims Management, Arbitration and Conciliation as alternatives to contracts, Cases.
  • Benefits: Real estate administrators.
  • Who should take this program: Procurement Executives, Legal Executives, Contract Executives, Project team members (Individual Training).
  • Certified by: Vayati Systems and Research Inc. and/or Partner organization
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